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  • [431] George 2015/02/05 10:56

    I've been made redundant shpejtesia e zerit GM???s troubles can be traced to regulatory changes that began in the Sixties and really took hold in the Seventies.? GM management in the Eighties indeed made a series of very bad moves, but by the Nineties it was already clear the company was headed for trouble.? GM???s CEO leading into the bankruptcy, Rick Wagoner was deep into turning things around; bringing in Bob Lutz to fix the product mess, cutting costs where he was able and at least trying to shake the company out of its moribund ways.? The immoveable object in all this were labor agreements???particularly health care and pension costs.? It is easy to see in hindsight that Rick was too cautious, moving too slowing and was not prepared for a crisis of the magnitude of the crash of 2008, but within the scope of what was possible, he was making the right moves.